Thursday, April 3, 2008

Toxic life

I've been doing some searches online. It looks like recent studies have shown that we may actually acquire more toxins through skin absorption and inhalation than through the foods that we eat. Since the the skin is the largest organ in the body, this means that there is a substantial surface area through which toxic chemicals could be absorbed by the body. This a scary thought. Does this mean that when I rub my moisturizer on my body, that the chemicals could pass straight through and enter my bloodstream? How long would it take? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Then I thought about how nicotine and birth control patches work.

Another question arose. But doesn't the FDA test body care products that are out in the marketplace to ensure that products are safe? Apparently not. The FDA doesn't have the resources to test all of the ingredients that go into our moisturizers, lip balms, "soap", wipes, make-up and hair products. According to a report by the Environmental Defense group, 78% of the chemicals in high volume commercial use have not had even "minimal" toxicity testing. Scary, isn't it?

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